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Re: Adobe not downloading online only files from projects

Adobe not downloading online only files from projects

Helpful | Level 6
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Hi All,

 after updating to MacOS 12.3 I have not been able to open project files (Premiere/After Effects) without errors of not finding files that are in dropbox as 'online only'. Prior to the Mac update all files would auto download to be on my machine locally. I know there's an issue with full support for OS 12.3... any updates or solutions folks have found?



102 Replies 102

New member | Level 2
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This thread covers a broad range of issues but I wanted to add a solution for a very specific bug in After Effects that is compounded by the withdrawal of auto sync pre-File Provider API.


This does not fix auto-download, so if manually downloading all of your project files is infeasible, this won't be much help.


But if you find After Effects projects fail to import media, even after manually downloading the project and all its media files, and you are unable or not ready to move to the File Provider version, these steps may help address what is a caching issue with After Effects.


For transparency I'm crossposting these steps from the Adobe forums and Reddit:


In short, the fix is to trash the folder ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Media Cache Files.


Standard disclaimer: this does send you into a normally-hidden folder that macOS uses to keep it and other apps working, so follow these steps at your own risk. Though It should be a low risk if you only go into exactly the folder mentioned here. Still, it is wise to keep backups before following online advice to delete files. These steps should not require an Administrator password.


  • Switch to macOS Finder (click its Dock icon, command-tab to it, etc)

  • Choose Go menu > Go to Folder…

  • This should display a floating text entry box. Type or copy-paste the following text into it, then press return or enter:

~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common
  • This should present you with a folder window titled Common.

  • Locate the subfolder called Media Cache Files and move it to the Trash. (File menu > Move to Trash, Right click > Move to Trash, Command-delete, etc)

  • Ensure the problem media file has been made available offline. This is not just a potential issue when using Dropbox, but any cloud sync app that creates empty 'stub' files that stand in for your online-only files.

  • Try importing again - this should work now.

Helpful | Level 6
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Wow, I am glad to announce this is finally working for me again.


I happened to check the setting as mentioned in this link and this time I actually had the option -  I didn't before.


Got it all enabled and working on the mac.. So far it seems fine and it's working just like before, files open perfectly. 

Planet Nutshell
Helpful | Level 7
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I was able to toggle File Provider on in the admin console, but only one out of five of my team members has received the notification to upgrade to File Provider. All others are still not eligible. Is there a reason why this is? Is it totally random when these notices go out? 

Dropbox Staff
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Hey @Planet Nutshell, thanks for posting here today! 


The members' device must be running macOS 12.5 or later to use Dropbox for macOS on File Provider. However, using macOS 13+ is strongly recommended. Is that the case for your members? 


Do they have any external volumes, that might be preventing them from updating? You can also have a look here for more info. 


Keep me posted, and we'll take it from there!

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Planet Nutshell
Helpful | Level 7
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Yes, we are all using Mac OS 14. No one is using an external drive. Thanks! 

Dropbox Staff
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Thanks for the info @Planet Nutshell!


Do you happen to know approximately how many files these members have synced locally on their device? 


This might be affecting the update to File Provider, especially if they have too many files synced locally. 

Community Moderator @ Dropbox

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Planet Nutshell
Helpful | Level 7
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We have thousands of files. Most of them are kept in Offline mode until we need to pull them down for a project.

Dropbox Staff
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Hey @Planet Nutshell - sorry to jump in here, but would you mind clarifying approximately how many thousands of files we're talking about?


Also, could you have the affected members check the Sync tab of the Dropbox desktop app's preferences to see if anything is reported there? 

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Planet Nutshell
Helpful | Level 7
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We have roughly 675,000 files in the Dropbox folder, as reported in "Get Info" in the MacOS finder. 


Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 4.11.01 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-05-09 at 4.06.21 PM.png

Dropbox Staff
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And what happens when you click on the 'Learn more' button shown in your second screenshot @Planet Nutshell

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